Ben Roussel

Ben Roussel – Membership Chairman, Suncatch Challenge Director

Ben lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and has been fishing for as long as he can remember and fly fishing since 2003. Ben is a husband and father of three and has a career in the geospatial industry. When he does make time to fish, he enjoys chasing redfish from his kayak, wading rivers and creeks for native bass and sunfish, and traveling to throw dry flies at brookies in North Georgia or western native cutthroat trout.

Ben is a member of the Red Stick Fly Fishers and serves on the RSFF board. He has been an FFI member since 2020 and embodies the FFI motto of “All Fish, All Waters” as he enjoys targeting anything that swims.  Ben maintains an often-neglected blog site, Mountains to Marsh, dedicated to his adventures with a fly rod and the native fish he encounters.

Since 2020, Ben has managed and upgraded the Gulf Coast Council’s Suncatch Challenge, a species contest for all FFI members dedicated to the native sunfish found within the Council’s boundaries.  The program has been highly popular and continues to draw in new participants each year.  To learn more about the this program, click on “Suncatch Challenge” in the menu above.