Election time for FFI, GCC boards

FFI board

Members of the Fly Fishers Board of Directors serve the organization for 3 years, with staggered terms. Every year, approximately one-third of the board is up for election. This year, for the first time in FFI history, there are more nominees than open board seats. Members will vote for 9 individuals among 12 nominees.

If you are an FFI member, you should have received an email with a link to the election webpage. If you do not have an email address, you should have received a letter with a paper ballot. If you did not receive either, please contact the FFI National Office at 406-222-9369. The deadline to vote is November 15th.

GCC Board

If you live in the geographic boundaries of the Gulf Coast Council, or identify in your FFI profile as affiliated to the GCC or a GCC club, you should have received a second email (or paper ballot) for election of GCC board of directors.

In accordance with the FFI Gulf Coast Council bylaws, elections of GCC board directors are held every three (3) years. The current term ends November 31st of this year. Because bylaws allow a maximum of 12 members, and there are only 11 nominees, this is a slate ballot. Members will either vote for the entire slate, against the entire slate, or “abstain”.

Specific positions such as officers and chairs are then voted on and filled by the newly-elected board at their first meeting (usually early December). If you are a GCC member, and did not receive an email or paper ballot, please contact the FFI National Office at 406-222-9369. Like the FFI election, the deadline to vote for the GCC board is November 15th.

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