Time for GCC Award nominations

The Gulf Coast Council Awards & Recognition Program began in 2007 to recognize individuals and clubs for their accomplishments in education, fly tying, conservation, service, and other areas that promote the goals and ideals of the GCC and Fly Fishers International overall.

FFI members and member clubs are encouraged to submit nominations. Deadline for nominations is June 30th. The list of awards and their criteria can be found on our Awards & Recognition page: CLICK HERE.

Nominations for GCC Awards must be submitted using (1) the online form submission, and (2) a letter of support (qualifications). The letter can be emailed to the Awards Chairman at awards@ffigcc.org, and can be in DOCX, PDF or other document format. An example letter can be found on the Awards page (under Resources menu).

Except for Friend of the Council, nominees must be FFI-GCC members.  Most awards are for last 12-18 months accomplishments, with past contributions given some consideration, while one – the Fly Tying Achievement – is now a lifetime contributions award.  Please check the descriptions for each award for criteria.

Again, deadline is June 30th. Honors will be announced sometime in the late July-August timeframe.

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