Classic registration goes public, adds new Facebook group

Yesterday public registration for our inaugural Gulf Coast Classic – set for May 5th and 6th in Gulf Shores, Alabama – went live.  Folks can register by going to the Classic website at and clicking on the “Register for the Classic” buttons, or going to the Admission page. Cost is $20 for the entire weekend, and free to all under 18.   Registration also enters you (free) into the Mixed Bag Challenge which kicks off on sunrise Thursday and ends on noon Sunday.

Up until now, registration was limited to contributors such as volunteers, demonstration fly tiers, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, etc..   This was so these folks could get first opportunity to signup for workshops as well as reserve the low cost dormitory rooms on the campus of the Gulf State Learning Campus.

As of now, all workshops and available dorm rooms are open to anyone who registers – until they book out.

Tickets for Saturday evening’s Fly Fishing Film Tour can also be purchased by clicking on the right side button on the website at  If you haven’t heard by now, in addtion to being treated to some great fly fishing films,  F3T attendees will have a shot at numerous door prizes including the new Sage R8 Salt fly rod – worth over $1,000!

Another announcement regarding the Classic… a new Facebook group (forum) has been created.  The FFI Gulf Coast Classic Group Share is for potential attendees and others to ask questions, share info, or even discuss fly patterns or strategies for the Mixed Bag.  Here is the link: .

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