Ferguson appointed to FFI Casting Board of Governors

At their annual board meeting on July 22nd, the Fly Fishers International (FF) Casting Board of Governors (CBOG) named Jeff Ferguson of Lake Charles to a seat on the board for a five-year term.  Jeff is Casting Co-Director for the FFI Gulf Coast Council, a Master Certified Instructor (MCI) and Level-2 Examiner, and a member of the FFI North American Events Committee and the FFI Awards Committee.

Jeff has been a fixture at club events and regional events, either giving presentations, or giving individual instruction, or both. In March, he helped organize the largest casting certification event in U.S. history, where fifteen anglers from across North America tested for the CI badge.  The event received rave reviews for it’s professionalism, as well as the local hospitality.

The CBOG administers the Casting Instructor Certification Program. That includes establishing high and consistent standards, conducting workshops, facilitating exchange of ideas between instructors worldwide, and much more. Some of the most respected names in the world of fly fishing have been members of the CBOG, including Mel Krieger, Gary Borger, Joan Wulff, Steve Rajeff, Al Buhr, Bruce Richards, and Lefty Kreh.

On behalf of everyone in the GCC, we congratulate Jeff on his appointment and wish him the best of luck!

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