Rendezvous 2020 cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns

Since 1989, the Toledo Bend Rendezvous – simply known as “Rendezvous” – has been the largest informal gathering of fly tiers, and other fly fishing enthusiasts, in the South. Held annually in early November at North Toledo Bend State Park near Zwolle, Louisiana, this  event attracts folks from Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and elsewhere, for a weekend of fly tying, food, fly casting and fishing. Thanks to the sponsorship of the FFI Gulf Coast Council, the FFI Texas Council, and several member clubs, attendees can enjoy the weekend for a very nominal fee to cover lodging and meals.

But like nearly all events so far in 2020, Rendezvous has fallen victim to the Coronavirus pandemic. A rise in the number of cases has forced organizer Walter McLendon to announce cancellation of this year’s event.

In an email sent out earlier this week, McLendon stated cancellation will ensure that “we do not have any possible problems that could have occured had we waited to see what happens”. He also stated that the group building and bunkhouses at North Toledo Bend State Park will be reserved for next year’s Rendezvous to be held November 5th to 7th, 2021.

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